Consultancy Services

We offer and maintain a core team of highly qualified and experienced Consultants and Administrators. All Associates are highly qualified, experienced and are accredited by local and international bodies.

Due to the nature of its activities, and in order to deliver more holistic solutions, close links are also maintained with our Training and Development Unit.

Our Consultancy services include 4 major areas, namely: business excellence services, corporate social responsibility services, energy & environmental management, and strategic project management.​

Training & Development Services

We provide coaching and training services in leadership, change management, communication skills, service excellence, personal development and information technology to businesses, non-profit organizations and individuals.

Throughout the years, leading companies and organizations have entrusted the training and development of their employees to the us and many individuals have benefited from the opportunities extended.

Through life-long learning partnerships and the achievement of service and education excellence, Mabuge aims to be the trusted provider of advanced and applicable training programs. We also offer a wide range of international accredited and recognized professional courses.

Drilling & Production Services

We provide efficient and secure drilling and production services. We possess strategic partnership with leading drilling companies that provide onshore and offshore drilling rigs, well completions and testing services which covers all possible well types; horizontal and vertical, oil and gas, HPHT, in both onshore and offshore (shallow and deep-water) locations globally.

We provide Well Management and Drilling Project Management services covering the full well lifecycle both onshore and offshore from exploration drilling through to well plug and abandonment.

Overview of our Drilling and Production Services includes:

  • Provision of Onshore and Offshore Drilling Rigs
  • Well Engineering, Planning and Design
  • Completions Engineering, Design and Supervision
  • Well Interventions, Production Optimization
  • Well-site Supervision
  • Well Testing
  • Drilling Management

Petroleum Products Haulage and Marketing

We engage in the supply, marketing and haulage of Petroleum Products and Industrial Gases (Gas, Oils, Fuels), Automotive Gas Oil (AGO), Dual Purpose Kerosene (DPK) and Premium Motor Spirit (PMS) to Onshore and Offshore Locations/Facilities.

LPG Retailing & Wholesaling.
We offer cooking gas to our residential and commercial clients. We partner with corporations, restaurants, hotels, and manufacturing plants to deliver liquified petroleum gas (LPG) at the most competitive prices, in the most convenient ways.

Equipment & Material Supply Services

We engage in the supply of the following equipment and materials to workplaces and sites:

  • Computer and data storage
  • Safety and protective
  • Heavy duty construction equipment
  • Vehicles

Marine Vessels Supply & Offshore Support

We look to support the Oil & Gas industry with the provision of all types of marine transportation equipment; Platform Supply Vessels [PSV], Multi-Purpose Platform Supply Vessels [MPSV], Anchor handling tug supply [AHTS], Tug Boats, Crew Boats, Barges, Landing Crafts, Rigmove Operations (Onshore & Offshore), Seismic Survey Services (Slot & Route), Diving Support Services, Subsea Inspection and Offshore Mooring operations.

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Mabuge Nigeria Limited | BeeTcore Website Developer | Background Pattern

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Mabuge Nigeria Limited | BeeTcore Website Developer | Background Pattern