Local Content Development

We strongly believe in and support the Nigerian Local Content Act. Being an indigenous African company, we understand the demands and laws in each country and cultivate its alliances and joint ventures accordingly. We are effective in local participation by adopting the following principles in all procurement activities:

We are proud of the cultural diversity of our people. As set out in our Code of Conduct, we encourage tolerance and sensitivity to all cultures and are committed to maintaining a workplace free from discrimination for reasons of race, creed, culture, nationality, gender, and sexual or marital status. Employees are selected on their ability to perform the job and physical disability is not a barrier to employment.

Skills Development

We offer education and training opportunities for advancement. Employee development takes the form of e learning, on-the-job coaching and training, development projects, secondments and classroom-based training. In-house programmes are provided to improve productivity by equipping employees with behavioural skills. 

These courses include performance and change management, recruitment and selection, industrial relations, stress management, and presentation skills. In addition, individual development plans assist all employees. We also offer leadership and graduate training programmes in the all areas of the business.
Mabuge Nigeria Limited | BeeTcore Website Developer | Background Pattern
Mabuge Nigeria Limited | BeeTcore Website Developer | Background Pattern

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Mabuge Nigeria Limited | BeeTcore Website Developer | Background Pattern
Mabuge Nigeria Limited | BeeTcore Website Developer | Background Pattern